DNA Health Discovery Plan


As a Lifecode Gx registered Nutrigenomics Practitioner, I can offer a wide range of nutrigenomics test panels via Lifecode Gx.

What is Nutrigenomics?

Nutrigenomics explores the interaction between nutrition and genes, nutrients and health. It is based on the idea that the food we eat and the nutrients we consume can affect the expression of our genes, and that this can have an impact on our overall health and wellbeing.

Variations in our DNA make us unique and can have significant impacts on our health and wellbeing, by affecting an individual’s response to certain nutrients.

A nutrigenomics test examines DNA to identify genetic variants that can impact your health. Only genes that can be influenced by diet and lifestyle are examined.

How will it help me?

We can’t change our DNA and we all have some genetic variances in different combinations, known as SNPs (pronounced ‘snips’). These SNPs can affect our food tolerances (and intolerances), our appetite control and blood sugar balance, our cardiovascular health, vitamin and mineral needs, detoxification ability, hormone function and balance, our neurotransmitters and our susceptibility to inflammation and infection.

Nutrigenomics testing enables a preventative, personalised, and proactive approach to health. The results can inform everyday decisions such as eliminating some foods or adding others - instead of a ‘one-size-fits all’ approach.

DNA testing is not something to be afraid of. Knowing our genetic predisposition can be empowering and motivating and can be the incentive to make positive dietary and lifestyle changes to support our health. Our DNA never changes, so you will only ever need one DNA test. Medications and supplements do not affect results.

I am a certified Lifecode Gx Nutrigenomics Practitioner. Lifecode Gx offer a range of specialist nutrigenomics test panels which inform how inherited risks can be mitigated through personalised nutrition and lifestyle changes. To find out more about Lifecode Gx reports, click here.

DNA Nutrigenomics Testing:

All plans include:

  • A DNA collection kit

  • Comprehensive reports, clearly highlighting your unique genetic variants and requirements for support

  • A 30 minute consultation with verbal report analysis and recommendations

  • Advice can be given on suitable reports for your particular issues. Ten reports are available to choose from here.

About Suzy

I am a registered Nutritional Therapy practitioner, working from my Hertfordshire practice, using the Functional Medicine approach to Lifestyle Medicine which I studied at the Institute for Optimum Nutrition in London.

I don’t just look at your symptoms, but look for the root cause of your health problems through personalised assessment and analysis. Nutritional therapy uses current scientific evidence-based research to promote and support optimal health, and address an individual’s biochemical and nutritional imbalances which may be contributing to symptoms and health issues.

I love to talk food and take a food first approach to help you find good health through nutrition and lifestyle changes.

Functional tests available include blood, stool, urine and genetics with analysis for nutritional deficiencies.

Nutritional therapy is a complementary therapy, not an alternative to conventional medical advice. A practitioner will work alongside a client’s medical professionals to ensure safe practice and to meet the client’s specific needs.

Contact me

Please leave a message in the contact box if you have any questions, or would like to book a free, no obligation call: