Stress busting tips

I often struggle with stress and if I’m not careful it can get out of control for me. I have SNPs on my ADRB1 and ADRB2, a sluggish PNMT and a whole load of other one’s which all affect how I deal with stressful situations, even when it’s something really rather insignificant.

I’ve learnt how to deal with the SNPs and understand what to eat and when I need to supplement. But it’s not just about food and supplements, it’s also really important to take time for yourself. This is a difficult one for many people. Making new ‘me time’ habits is hard, but massively important.

My ‘me time’ is a 20 minute on-line pilates or yoga class straight after getting up, then a walk for 30 to 40 minutes, depending on committments. Taking time for myself first thing works for me. It gets done and I feel the benefits all day.

Finding out what works for you may take some time, trying different things and different timings, but keep at it and you will reap the benefits, both in mind and body.

Other little things in my stress toolbox are:

  • Stop and have a glass of water.

  • Water your plants.

  • Take a short walk or spend some time outside.

  • Cuddle your pet.

  • Cuddle your family members.

If you want to find out more about your genetic SNPs and how these can affect your response to stress, get in touch and we can have a chat.


Now we’re into autumn, we really need to think about vitamin D.  


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